28 December, 2012

Every beginning is hard

In my first post, I'd like make this blog's purpose as clear as I can.
In short: with this blog, I'd like to share my views on life. How I see it currently, what discoveries I make day by day, week by week and so on, kind of like a diary, but not quite.
There are a few things I should tell you first: even though I can only write down what I see with my own eyes, what I experience I would like to make my posts as objective and as lacking in personal tastes as it is possible. This, however, doesn't mean I'll only be talking about the world but myself as well. Knowing oneself is sometimes (if not always) is more difficult.
In a nutshell: there are two major themes.
Discovering the world (humanity for the most part) and doing a study on myself.

I do not know how often will I write nor what the average length of my posts will be.

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